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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

From His Prison Cell

Art: From His Prison Cell by Artist Rita C. Ford
It sustains me, though I long to join you in paradise, my beloved Mumtaz . . .

The Taj Mahal is a memorial to love. At the age of fifteen, the prince, who would be called King of the World, met a young girl at a bazaar within the walls of the royal palace in Agra. The young prince charmed Arjumand Banu Begum (later named Mumtaz Mahal). For both, it was love at first sight. Although Shah Jahan had three regular wives, Mumtaz Mahal became his favorite and bore his only children. The Prince would not part with her even on his military campaigns. In her ninth month of pregnancy, she accompanied him on a military campaign. While there, she gave birth to their fourteenth child, and soon afterwards died from complications. According to legend, with her dying breath, she secured a promise from her husband to build for her a mausoleum more beautiful than any the world had ever seen. The construction of the building took 22 years.

Imprisoned by his son in the tower of the Red Fort in Agra, the Shah could only view his tribute to love from his prison cell located one mile across the Jamuna River from the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan died eight years after being imprisoned.

The main colors used in this knife painting are cadmium orange, black, phthalo blue, Payne’s gray, cadmium yellow, and white.


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Painting is available in my Ebay Store.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art From His Prison Cell

Detail Image for art From His Prison Cell

Detail Image for art From His Prison Cell


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