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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

Frog Among the Lilies

Art: Frog Among the Lilies by Artist Rita C. Ford
In my garden, I have over 30 goldfish living in the pond as well as water lilies, horse-tail rush, sweet flag, snails and frogs (which I refer to as pond residents). It is a small eco-system supported by all its inhabitants.

The water lilies and other plants provide shade, food and shelter for the fish. On any given day, especially in the spring and summer, you can find cats, birds, dragonflies, and butterflies around my pond.

Little frogs often perch themselves among the lilies waiting for an unsuspecting insect to fly by for lunch.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Frog Among the Lilies

Detail Image for art Frog Among the Lilies

Detail Image for art Frog Among the Lilies


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