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Rita C. Ford

Nashville, TN USA

Freedom Flag #6

Art: Freedom Flag #6 by Artist Rita C. Ford
This painting is part of a series of works titled “Freedom Flag” by self-representing artist Rita Ford. The series was inspired when a military family, who were preparing to move to a new post overseas, requested the artist create a painting for them that symbolized their patriotic feelings.

The experience of designing and creating the work was inspirational and thought provoking for the artist and lead to the creation of this series.

The Freedom Flag reminds us of who we are and what we stand for in a world where freedom is not always available to those who seek it. It symbolizes the sacrifices not only of those who came before us, but also of those in our military who are fighting for freedom across the world today.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Freedom Flag #6

Detail Image for art Freedom Flag #6

Detail Image for art Freedom Flag #6


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