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Revere J

Artist's Profile

Illustration, Design, Photography, Jewelry please click on the home icon and have a look around my Flickr site.

A native of Southern California I grew up in L.A. fully emersed in the music and car culture here, playing bass in rock bands and participating in many automotive events from hanging out on the boulevard to much more formal racing at local race tracks (holding competition licenses from several major sanctioning bodies), this informs the heavy amount of automotive and transportation themes in my photography.

I have been involved with photography most of my life always having a camera with me. Using film in many formats from 35mm to 8"x10" sheet film or large format, and now with digital I can create some of the images that were difficult at best in a traditional wet darkroom, that doesn't mean that I have ditched film alltogether I still periodically work with a 4"x5" view camera and shoot the occasional black and white 35mm just for the fun of using a very manual old school camera.

Very early on I understood the clean lines of Danish modern and Eames design and what now falls into "mid century modern" and I think that manifests itself in my jewelry design, clean crisp design, and every surface has to relate to the rest of the piece or "make sense". I had the notion of craftsmanship instilled in me from the earliest of memories, "always produce the best work you are capable of", to me there is no excuse for poor quality work, Good design isn't, without good craftsmanship period.

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