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Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez

Charlotte, NC United States

Lemon Lime Red Wine Glass #5

Art: Lemon Lime Red Wine Glass #5 by Artist Rebecca M Ronesi-Gutierrez
This is the first time I have sold drink ware.
This is one large red wine glass.
Made from thick durable glass ware.
This is a single hand painted red wine glass.
The glass has a lemon lime glaze over the entire glass.  Striped stem.
all the dragonflies are translucent turquoise.
All the artwork has been baked and cure to the glass.
This glass ware is safe to eat drink out of.
Safe to wash as well.

Each piece of art I sell come with a genuine Certificate of authenticity.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lemon Lime Red Wine Glass #5

great grandma doris and boys.jpg

Detail Image for art Lemon Lime Red Wine Glass #5

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Detail Image for art Lemon Lime Red Wine Glass #5

great grandma doris and boys-4.jpg


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