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Noelle Hunt

Toronto, ON CANADA

David Caruso

Art: David Caruso by Artist Noelle Hunt
A portrait study of actor David Caruso. This was one of my first forays into the world of portraiture. I enjoyed the challenge of the reflection and transparency in the sunglasses.

I have been a fan of the art director of the CSI Miami show and wanted to work within the colour scheme the show had created for this character. Thus the use of oranges, green-yellows. I find it works particularly well with this portrait.

Ms. Hunt's studio is filled with collectible pieces of vintage kitsch, which inspire her work. Her pieces have been featured in magazines and celebrity homes

One reviewer wrote, "Ms. Hunt's style can best be described as, nouveau retro." I am inspired by all things kitsch: pin up girls, big-eyed children, pity puppies and TIKI bars. These vintage things inspire my work, go through my mental filter and emerge, reshaped in a modern style. It reflects not only my inspiration but also my personality...delightfully unpretentious.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art David Caruso

Detail Image for art David Caruso


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