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Misty Monster

Idaho USA

Batty Friends

This piece of art won Member's Mention award in the art exhibit Bat Show

Art: Batty Friends by Artist Misty Monster
Oh my! Look what this bat has nestled against his chest -- a skelly!! Look closely at your batty friends! You might just see a skeletal being peering back at you!

I am so happy to have a work of art for this show! I love bats, bats, bats! I look for them at night, I love seeing images of them. One day, I'd love to have a bat sanctuary!

For this show, I submitted "Batty Friends", done in acrylic paints on a 5x7 sheet of canvas. I like to make most of my skelly pieces small and collectible. I like to think of my skellies not being much bigger than the size of my hand. For this piece, I chose the fruit bat. They have such warm, rich coloring, and they have such a distinctive wing structure when they hang. I decided to show a little skelly cuddling up to his batty friend on a cold night. If you look closely, you can see the skelly's feet are holding this due to the branch, so at least he's doing some of the work!

Copyright Misty Benson. All Rights Reserved.


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