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Marcia Baldwin

Cumming, GA USA

Spirit Nobel

Art: Spirit Nobel by Artist Marcia Baldwin

"Spirit Nobel"

is an Original Oil Painting by
M Baldwin, c2005.

“Spirit NOBEL” by Marcia Baldwin An Original Oil Painting Capturing the Spirit of the Horse – “A New Gallery Showcase Painting” From 2005 Gallery Exhibition Dated 2005 Capturing the spirit of the magnificent animal, the Horse, has been a passion of mine all my life. I have owned and trained horses all of my adult life. I have strived over the years to capture that pure spirit and bold beauty on canvas and paper and sculpture. This magnificent BAY STALLION, collected and ready for the show ring, illustrates the Nobel spirit of the horse. For the love of horses, and capturing it on canvas for all who adore this wonderful creature. Enjoy ! This painting is an original oil painting by Marcia Baldwin. Size: 20”x 24” Medium: Oil Frame not included. GALLERY VALUE: $4500 DATE CREATED: 2005

M Baldwin Originals are represented by Marcelle Gallery of Texas

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Detail Images

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Detail Image for art Spirit Nobel

Detail Image for art Spirit Nobel


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