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Marcia Baldwin

Cumming, GA USA

A Tuscan Landscape

Art: A Tuscan Landscape by Artist Marcia Baldwin

"A Tuscan Landscape"
is an original Oil Painting
M Baldwin,

Basking in the sun and bending to the winds, these isolated trees upon a hill in Tuscany, bring a serene feeling to any room. Glorious color of tuscany fields and sky blue above among the clouds. It is a Dreamy Place.

Qualify for
if you are the first, second or third bidder, AND you have A Winning bid at the end of Auction.

Gallery Value: $1800

Represented by Marcelle Gallery of Texas.

Thank you for supporting M Baldwin Fine Art Originals with your bids and purchases.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art A Tuscan Landscape

Detail Image for art A Tuscan Landscape

Detail Image for art A Tuscan Landscape


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