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Lelo Colclough

Olympia, WA United States

"Like an old Movie"

Art: Like an old Movie by Artist Lelo Colclough
Toys - they change with time, becoming more sophisticated and technical. I still have this fun and simple toy our son used to play with. It's in the shape of a wooden ladder and came with a clown. When you place him on the top rung, he tumbles down the ladder and lands on his feet. Our son had such great fun playing with it. I don't think that the modern toys bring more pleasure to small children than this one did. It's like watching old movies - even so movies have become technically more refined and filled with special effects, an old black and white movie still has plenty of charm and suspense. So I took two digital images of this old toy and "stitched" them together. Then I changed it to look like an old black and white movie. Of course I am just an amateur in this field.


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