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Kristen Ashlea Miller Moore

Artist's Profile

 My name is Kristen Miller-Moore, I am a fourth year painting major at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts attending for a Bachelors of the Fine Arts and beginning the pursuit of my lifelong career.

I travel to Philadelphia for classes, and my home is in Southern New Jersey where I grew up surrounded by many people from different classes and cultures.

I have been creating since I had the ability to, as I always say, since I picked up a crayon. If you had asked me when i was 4 years old "Now what do you want to be when you grow up?" I would have jumped up in excitement and yelled "An artist!"

I love most of the fine arts, dance, music, particularly the visual arts of painting, printmaking and sculpting. I pursue any knowledge I can in my daily binges of creative curiosity, there is so much information to consume in the world of the fine arts and its history, I believe it is and always will be my largest ambition in life, to feel the waxing and waning of being a true artist.

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