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Kris Jean

Fort Worth, TX USA

Rebecca: Flourishing, Liberated, and Sensuous

Exhibit Entries

Art: Rebecca: Flourishing, Liberated, and Sensuous by Artist Kris Jean
The Body Language series is a study of emotions. These subjects are naked not only physically but also emotionally exposed. In an effort to convey their emotions, attitudes, characteristics, I use of colors and poses. The faces, and skin tones are purposely omitted as to not confuse or sway the viewer.

As with all of my Body Language paintings, they are all snapshots of my current moods. With this one I finally felt as if I had broke through some issues I was dealing with. I felt reborn, and free. This is symbolized by the flung back head, and wind blown hair - a confident hand on a hip, and the sensuous nature can be felt in the "S" pose.
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Detail Image

Detail Image for art Rebecca: Flourishing, Liberated, and Sensuous


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