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Kris Jean

Fort Worth, TX USA

Katya: Bold, Devious. and yet Delicate

Exhibit Entries

Art: Katya: Bold, Devious. and yet Delicate by Artist Kris Jean
The Body Language series is a study of emotions. These subjects are naked not only physically but also emotionally exposed. In an effort to convey their emotions, attitudes, characteristics, I use of colors and poses. The faces, and skin tones are purposely omitted as to not confuse or sway the viewer. .

This is one of my fan favorites. She sold before completion in 2006. The second painting to feature my new "aura" background style - cemented it into the Body Language series. With her bold, exciting colors and simply sinful stance she comes across as a total vixen. Her delicate side can be seen in the over exagerated nature of her stance - as if she has something to prove.
This painting is SOLD.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Katya: Bold, Devious. and yet Delicate


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