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Art: Cyclamen by Artist Kris Jean

Two weeks ago I learned my boyfriend of 4 years was moving to TN for a year for job training. This kinda turned my world upside down, and really threw me. I still have 9 days left with him before he goes (as of this posting).

In searching for a distraction, (in true Kris Jean style so as to not have to deal with this mentally, even though I know it's going to happen) - I found the EBSQ show for Cyclamen. I felt a certain bond with the flowers. At first glance, they look like a regular flower, but they kind of bloom upside down. Like they live in a topsy-turvy world.

Looks like I need to take a page from the book of Cyclamen, and adapt to my new situation - even if it means blooming upside down. When I'm down I usually paint in Black & White, but this go around I tried something different. I painted a "happy" painting.

It's only a year right?


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