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Kris Jean

Fort Worth, TX USA

#11 Let's Get Out Of Here...

Exhibit Entries

Art: #11 Let's Get Out Of Here... by Artist Kris Jean
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This purse was created specifically for the Repurposed Show.

My purpose in creating this was to show that recycled art does not have to LOOK like recycled art - it can be stylish.

I found this wood wine gift box (Premiat Varietal Fine European Wines???) two buildings down, in pretty sad condition. I had to sand it down to get rid of discoloration/age to make it viable again and change out the hinges.

I then painted one of my Pop Gals (#11 in the series)on the front and the rest of it black for maximum pop of the colors.

The large beads on the handle are from a gawdawful avacado green plant hanger I pulled from from the trash as well. (repainted) The smaller pink beads are from a broken necklace of my Grandmothers I had found in an old pill bottle last year.

This was an amazing experience and I will be on the lookout for more items to covert. :D

The title comes from the movie "Three To Tango" when they make note of the most used line in Movies. "Let's get out of here". I think it is quite fitting since many of the things we (as a culture) throw away don't belong there in the first place. This purse is large for ladies who live large and actually like to cary thier stuff with them.

This piece is SOLD


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