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Kimberly Vanlandingham

Artist's Profile

Some of Kimberly Vanlandingham's passions (formerly painting under the name Kimberly McLaughlin) are art, wildlife, and the beautiful countryside where she grew up. Using Oils and Acrylics as a medium, Kimberly captures moments in time from her travels across the United States and her hometown in Kentucky.

Kimberly has always had a love of nature. Growing up in rural Northern Kentucky, she spent many hours on her Grandparents farm hiking, taking photographs, and discovering the beauty of the Ohio River Valley countryside. As a result of this influence, Kimberly is committed to the preservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats. She is currently involved with Raptor Inc., an organization that aids in the rescue and rehabilitation of injured birds of prey in her area. She is also a member of Tri-State Cart which does disaster animal rescue in the Northern Ky-Greater Cincinnati area.

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