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Jenny Doss

Cincinnati, OH USA

Blueprint for Suburbia

Exhibit Entries

Art: Blueprint for Suburbia by Artist Jenny Doss
This painting came to me in a flash: a sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek flash. It covers many of the stereotypes of suburbia: the cookie-cutter houses, the keep-up-with-the-Jones' landscaping, the Stepford wife driving the minivan or SUV and spending all her husbands' money shopping... meanwhile, hubby commutes to the city and bangs his secretary on the side, and no one's the wiser. Real? Sometimes. Scary? Definitely.

Here's the text:

"Blueprint for a Life in Suburbia:*

1. House: Must look identical to those around it, right down to trim color and landscaping.

2. Mini-van or Sport Utility Vehicle, complete with soccer decal on the rear window.

3. Dog, relegated to the farthest part of yard (once dog outgrew "cute" puppy stage), and subsequently forgotten.

4. Pair of cute kids, eldest a boy, the youngest a girl.

5. Stepford wife, nonworking mom who spends days in front of soaps/shopping.

Unfaithful husband who spends day commuting to and from office. "Works late" a lot with his secretary.

*All items necessary for Suburbia.

(Items 1-5 not to scale).

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Blueprint for Suburbia

Detail of Houses...

Detail Image for art Blueprint for Suburbia

Detail of People...


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