Artist Statement:
Call me silly, but I see too many BEAUTIFUL things around me that I am aching
to share with others. Everybody is literally beautiful to me because each one
of us bears the secret of life. Everyone has a story I haven't heard, with episodes
that affect changes in his/her story. They are in the eyes, the colors, the
complexion, the expression...the way a person sits or walks, etc. I see these
stories and I want to freeze the moment so I can share it with you. And maybe
you too can enjoy the stories that preoccupy me. I experiment with different
media so I can capture texture, vulnerability, angst, ambivalence... I hope
to get the attention of the viewer for things besides whether my palette will
match their decor. Hopefully, the piece(s) will evoke a forgotten emotion or
a realization.
I tend to prefer to work in small dimensions not just because it's a lot easier for me, but also because I like the intimacy. I loved my first experience with Daumier's drawings. They were so small yet they drew the people in so they can savor his humor and beatiful line qualities he used to wonderfully depict people.
Good Art to me is the kind that engages you and quenches your thirsty soul as you study it. When I choose a subject, it's because I find it so breathtaking that I want to share what I see with others. People inspire me. I tend to prefer my subjects in nude because clothes just cover their real beauty. :)