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Diane G. Casey

New York USA

Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein!

Exhibit Entries

Art: Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein! by Artist Diane G. Casey

Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein!

This is my rip-off of Brooke Elizabeth Wood's "Clemenstein". I decided to take her 2D painting & turn it into a 3D Doll.

In her very original symbolic painting, Brooke expressed outrage at the way some adults exploit their innocent little children for their own political purposes, or to forward their political agendas. She expresses disgust upon watching a protest rally on TV, in which several small children were seen carrying picket signs, which was (obviously) a burden put upon them by their adult parents.

Here, with my doll, I try to portray a reversal (of sorts) or at least to portray a glimmer of hope. Where Brooke symbolically removed "Clemenstein's" heart, to signify the removal of playfulness & childhood, I have sown her heart back in, to show that love can heal and overcome and hopefully even reverse the damage that some unscrupulous parents can do to their children. I noticed that Brooke had giant lollipops in the background of her painting, so I included one here as an accessory; as Clemenstein's "picket sign". Let's face it, her giant "Whirly Pop" lollipop represents all that she believes in, and what she stands for, and that is exactly as it should be, for any kid! After all, their Patron Saint is "Willy Wonka", right? ;)

I also gave my "Clemenstein" huge blue eyes, to signify the "wide-eyed" innocence of youth, and I noticed that Brooke's original had a cute little beauty mark under her right eye, so I included one in mine. I painted on some black, patent leather "Mary Jane" shoes, as well. (Don't all little girls wear those?)

My piece is basically just a slightly more optimistic take on Brooke's wonderfully executed darker piece. Still, I couldn't resist including the stiches to signify the "Frankenstein" aspect.

My greatest challenge with this piece was the sewing aspect. Even though I didn't create or "sew" the actual doll, (I got it as an "unfinished cloth" doll), I did sew her dress out of a bandana (that I painted to match the shade of the dress in Brooke's painting), and I also sewed her braided auburn hair onto her head(!) and included a pink bow at the end of the braid (just like Brooke has in her painting). The rest of the details I painted on. I must admit, it wasn't easy sewing the dress & hair, and I hope to NEVER ever have to sew anything again!

I'd like to thank BrookeE for the inspiration and wonderful unique vision and for allowing me to rip her off!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art <b>Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein!</b>

Closeup (you can see her heart has been sewed back in)

Detail Image for art <b>Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein!</b>

Closeup 2; with her auburn hair & big blue eyes & beauty mark beneath them

Detail Image for art <b>Oh, My Darlin' Clemenstein!</b>

BrookeE's Original Clemenstein


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