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Deanne Flouton

Artist's Profile

Dee Flouton is a self taught digital artist/painter, who has been involved in photography from an early age. She has exhibited in Europe, won photo contests here and abroad and her work is in private collections both here and abroad. A lifelong interest in analogue photography made for a natural transition to digital artistry. The subjects, mostly flowers, are her passion, but she is also drawn to a variety of subjects where texture and design play a significant role. Digital transformations of her acrylic paintings, as well, are added to the mix.

My digital art is the creation of an image which reflects my vision through an organized and/or spontaneous process which evolves at its own pace. It is my personal interpretation realized through modification, and/or enhancement of a photograph. My original photographs are used as a point of departure for creation, taking creativity to the next level as an extension of the original photo.

Guided by the image and imagination, and inspired by the emerging creative process, the end result is often the product of many hours of painting and tweaking. A digital painting may be shelved and returned to at a later date with renewed inspiration before it is rendered as completed.

Images range from realistic to abstract and surreal, but all are grounded in a photographic base or combination of photographs. I believe that art should speak for itself. Should I awaken an emotional pleasure in others, then I have succeeded in artistic expression.

The door to knowledge is always open and I continue to trod down that road of acquisition, gathering knowledge and inspiration at every turn.

In addition to the links found above, my work is also available at: Sell Art Online

Just click on the image itself.

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