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Art: Barely Begun Woman by Artist Dawn Lee Thompson
This little gal has been sitting next to my monitor getting smooshed and squished for almost a year now. My gummy little dust gatherer.

Generally, I am a start-a-project-finish-a-project kind of person, with the exception of when I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Which is the case here.

This is the first step in creating glass casting or sculpture using a pate de verre process. First the sculpt, then mold-making, then casting the mold with glass. I've never done it, and at the rate I'm going, I never will!

I figured I'd do something similar to my figural bowls...simplified female form with soft curves and angles. But I just haven't been able to get her to look right. That may be because I'm rusty at sculpture, because I'm not used to the medium, (Klean Clay), I've not had enough time to devote to finishing her up, or most likely, I'm scared of the rest of the process!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Barely Begun Woman

Detail Image for art Barely Begun Woman

Detail Image for art Barely Begun Woman


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