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Art: Pointing Nude by Artist Dawn Lee Thompson
My third series of Artist Trading Cards features voluptuous-some might say chubby-nudes in sensuous poses. Each body is unique in its soft roundness, fleshy rolls and sturdy vitality. This card features a voluptuous and strong looking figure in an enigmatic pointing pose, reminiscent of religious iconography. Primary powder pigments were blended to create a velvety dark red for the enamels. My ATC pieces are crafted using an ancient glass painting technique, called sticklighting, where finely ground glass enamels are blended with an oil medium, applied to clear class and dried. The figure is then scratched away from the enamels, then kiln fired to fuse the color to the background glass. Each card comes with a hand made grooved and padded oak stand for easy and effictive display.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Pointing Nude

Detail Image for art Pointing Nude

Detail Image for art Pointing Nude


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