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D Jahalane Austin

Artist's Profile

I have been trying to capture the nature and beauty I see all around me on a day to day basis. I have tried in several ways to keep those small jewels god has bestowed upon us. I have taken thousands of photographs from the smallest of small to the very large subject. I am constantly amazed at all things in nature, and also in the man made. Architecture is an example of mans ability to create beauty from the very simple to the very elaborate. Also when I look to the sky I see things that cannot possibly be captured but I find great pleasure in trying to relay that to my canvas. I feel if I complete a work of art and can sit for hours looking at the details, that someone can possibly look at and see what it is that I see. I have to come away with a feeling; the painting has to move me in some fashion. As for days or periods when I feel certain color. Or certain styles. Those I try to convey as well. Artists Bio: I am presently enrolled in two separate studies. One with a teacher from Canada. Previously living in Mexico. Now in Ontario. And another locally for up close and Personal attention. I have been a photographer for twenty years, and also a computer consultant. Having my own business. I paint to express the beauty I see in life. I am totally thankful to each and every person who has supported me in this effort. To bring my art to the public. Thankfully D. Jahalane-Austin 2004

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