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Cathy (Kate) Johnson

Excelsior Springs, MO USA

GreenMan Owl Mask

Exhibit Entries

Art: GreenMan Owl Mask by Artist Cathy  (Kate) Johnson
This is one of my 3 dimensional pieces sculpted in terra cotta clay, to be hung on a wall. He's the green man, symbol of our relationship with nature...

I never know how these will turn out...I don't have a preconceived idea, I just begin working. I was fascinated by the concept of very human, sculptural eyes in the greenman mask, so followed traditional sculpting forms to creat the pupils and irises. This one ended up vaguely owlish, even with those human eyes.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art GreenMan Owl Mask

low shot

Detail Image for art GreenMan Owl Mask

frontal view


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