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Carolyn Schiffhouer

Clarion, PA USA


Art: Arachnid by Artist Carolyn Schiffhouer
I had not intended to enter this contest since insects are something I am not fond of. However, fate chose to change my mind. This is a Flame Fractal. Flame Fractals are abstract and do not resemble anything in particular. This one started that way also, a typical flame fractal. However, as I worked on it to my surprise, here stood a spider! I have to admit to not being a spider lover, in fact I go out of my way to avoid them. This one just crept up on me ACK! It is a flame fractal created using the fractal program Apophysis. The fractal was rendered and opened in Photoshop. I duplicated the fractal and created a second layer. I was experimenting with moving the layer and expanding it when this spider just jumped out at me! ACK!.......he said enter me in the Insect Show and I did!


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