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Aria Nadii

Berkeley Springs, WV USA

If the Sea Were Amber Glass

Exhibit Entries

Art: If the Sea Were Amber Glass by Artist Aria Nadii
The sea of the imagination, the depths of the ocean that we visit in dreams, peopled by fantastic creatures, symbols, portents, and the echoes of the hundred of books we've read and movies we've watched, even stories we heard as children. This is the sea we visit in this image. Deep and clear, more like amber which traps the past, than the dark and cloudy floor of the real ocean. Here, drifting above the glittering ocean floor is a strange being. A reverse mermaid! Could such a creature as this seduce a wayward sailor? Well she has attracted the curiosity of a couple of small chimerae who seem to be fascinated. High, high above is a different kind of sea called the celestial canopy, through which constellated creatures travel on their great migratory routes.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art If the Sea Were Amber Glass

Detail Image for art If the Sea Were Amber Glass

Detail Image for art If the Sea Were Amber Glass


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