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Art: Centaur by Artist Aria Nadii

"Centaur" is from a series inspired by alchemical drawings and illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages. The centaur is a mythological figure composed of two very different natures. He represents the human struggle between passion and reason. Many traditional centaurs also have human arms and hold a bow and arrow which indicates more of a pure conflict between intelligence and instinct. In this illustration, the centaur is armless and holds no weapon. The mythical beast is depicted here in the center of a labyrinth overgrown with vines. The labyrinth symbolizes the path of initiation and the vines indicate the passage of time. He is a more primal and shamanic figure, illuminated with the golden aura of alchemical transformation. His calm presence in the center of the maze symbolizes acceptance and integration.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Centaur

Detail Image for art Centaur

Detail Image for art Centaur


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