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Amie R Gillingham

Pittsburgh, PA USA

Woman Divided

Art: Woman Divided by Artist Amie R Gillingham

Frida Kahlo has long been an influence on my work, both as an artist and as an art historian. One could say I have an addiction to buying books about her life and her art. I even have Frida Kahlo Christmas tree ornaments! 

This piece was started in 2003 as an homage to both Frida's life and her art. The composition is based upon multiple photographs of Kahlo et al, her self-portrait that she dedicated to Trotsky in 1937, and other Mexican folk art items I have in my own home (the bride and groom calaveras and the devil mask are in my personal collection). Frida herself is divided between two 24 x 48 masonite panels, on one side with her husband, Diego Rivera, and on the other with her (brief) lover, Leon Trotsky. Because it took me so long to paint it, the piece has evolved over time, finally completed in 2011 for EBSQ's Frida Kahlo exhibit. 

Available directly from the artist: $1500 

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Detail Images

Detail Image for art Woman Divided

detail Leon Trotsky.jpg

Detail Image for art Woman Divided

detail Frida Kahlo.jpg

Detail Image for art Woman Divided

detail Diego Rivera.jpg


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