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Art: Aloha Aloalo by Artist Melanie Pruitt
(Please look at the close up for true colors. I can't seem to get the full picture to represent the true brightness)

How surprised I am to upload this new painting tonight and find that the August exhibit is focused on state flowers! I am completely in love with Hawaii for many reasons, and hope to move there one day. I have been working on this new painting of a Hawaiian Hibiscus for several weeks, not knowing it would be perfect for this exhibit. The Hawaiian state flower is a hibiscus!

It's painted from a reference picture I took of a beautiful orange hibiscus. It had just been raining (as it often does in parts of Hawaii) so I added in water drops and water drips. It's a part of my "Modern Nature" series but it has a much softer geometric background. I've used some bright quinacridone shades along with some beautifully granulating watercolors to give it a soft texture. It's also painted on cold press paper which helps bring out the granulating effect.

It measures 12"x16"

For sale on Etsy HERE

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Aloha Aloalo



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