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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Lonely Goat

Art: Lonely Goat by Artist Alma Lee
High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Or so the story goes, Harvey is the only goat left in his native herd. The only one not lured to the other side by the echoing evil whispers "Come hither my pretty ones" the winds did speak, and let me love you!
All of the goats but Harvey literally jumped at the chance.
But Harvey was not fooled, he had seen this type thing before, the evil winds had come before promising such, never to deliver. So he was not all that thrilled to see the lovely Henrietta, cooing "you are the only one for me"
"go Away you can't fool me!"
"what ever do you mean? I am bearing my soul to you!", Come I will kiss you!"
" I am not going to fall for that!" he replied
"What do you mean Fall?"
" I am not so stupid as to leap to my death across some valley to kiss you!" He said
"Harvey, Dear, look at me, I am here right beside you. I am not asking you to leap anywhere. I heard you call and I answered. Now kiss me."
Well she is right here, not even a step away, What could be the harm? And he kissed her and fell. In love that is! what kind of sick romantic comedy would this be otherwise?

The Lonely Goat was created through needle felting wool over a polyester core. It is completely needle felted from the eyes to the shine on the nose

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lonely Goat


Detail Image for art Lonely Goat


Detail Image for art Lonely Goat



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