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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Hedgehog front rev lr.jpg

Art: Hedgehog  front rev lr.jpg by Artist Alma Lee
Heddy Hedgehog
wrote in her blog
I feel Prickly
but look like a dog

a funny little canine
with a bad hair day
begging you closer
yet pushing you away

This is a wool felted and mixed media hedgehog It is a one of a kind soft sculpture. This is not intended as a toy. The hairy is indeed prickly and each quill way hand placed. Beautifully realistic, yet it captures the sweetness of the hedgehog beneath the prickly exterior.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Hedgehog  front rev lr.jpg

hedgehog 4 copy.jpg

Detail Image for art Hedgehog  front rev lr.jpg

hedgehog 4.jpg

Detail Image for art Hedgehog  front rev lr.jpg

hedgehog 2 side.jpg


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