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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

57 Bel Air in Red: the Adventure Begins SOLD

Art: 57 Bel Air in Red: the Adventure Begins SOLD by Artist Alma Lee
It was the 57 Chevy
that gave life to me.
On wings of a Bel Air
loosed my tie and set me free...

I have a dream car, that cruises through my mind, I suppose we all do.  Mine comes in red and has the strongest of wings, and a engine that races until it takes flight.  The '57 Chevy surely fits the bill. It had it all back then and now too.

About this piece:
size: 9x12"
Media: color pencil on 96 lb Bristol
Style: Abstract Still lilfe
Original Status: Available from Artist

Detail Images

Detail Image for art 57 Bel Air in Red: the Adventure Begins SOLD

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Detail Image for art 57 Bel Air in Red: the Adventure Begins SOLD

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Detail Image for art 57 Bel Air in Red: the Adventure Begins SOLD

0811chevy Belair cup3.jpg


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