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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

New York Corner

Art: New York Corner by Artist Alma Lee
New York corner is a photo manipulation/digital painting of my impressions of America's biggest city. New York can not be taken in just from the visual perspective, it means contacts, sounds, smells, coming together in a unique ambience to be found nowhere else. I went there in 2005, it had been a lifelong dream. To say that I was overwhelmed would be the understatement of the year. I love its energy, its people,/word/word and its industry. But the sound of New York City and its traffic and people is indescribable. For me it overwhelms all other aspects of this fine city. The lights and the skyscrapers provide the perfect environment for imprisoning sound. This sound is little more than the energy and excitement condensed, amplified.  This is the visual interpetation of that collective hum, found no where else in the world.

About this art:
media: Digital illustration, mixed media, photomanipulation
subject: New York city
style: graphic abstract representative 

Detail Images

Detail Image for art New York Corner

NY CORNER cup.jpg

Detail Image for art New York Corner

NY CORNER cup1.jpg


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