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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

Carolyn: Requiem of Repose

Art: Carolyn: Requiem of Repose by Artist Alma Lee
Carolyn rests
in a saturation of joy
it is a loud peace
a silent reflection
the day filled with music
Carolyn softly hums
each note without lyrics

This is my Rip off of Carolyn Schiffhouer. She had so many peices to chose from and I didn't know what direction to take. While I was going through her portifolio, I remembered  some of our interactions in the forums both here and on fb and at least one shared passion, that  being for digital art. You combine those things and you come into an essence of peacefulness that permeates all of her work and social interaction.  You feel not only that you like her, but one comes very quickly to a place of trust. I have never met her face to face but I am left with this tangible sense of a quiet, soulfulness in both person and spirit; but also a dimension of underlying mystery...this is the Carolyn I chose to paint. And her self portrait Artist and her Dog seemed the perfect place to start. Artist and Her Dog by Carolyn Schiffhouer

This art was done in Artmatic 5 (fractal generation) and CS6 (illustration) and utilizes onOne extension.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Carolyn: Requiem of Repose

Carolyn- A Requiem of Repose cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Carolyn: Requiem of Repose

Carolyn- A Requiem of Repose cup 1.jpg

Detail Image for art Carolyn: Requiem of Repose



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