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Art of the Day: Wednesday March 24, 2004

The Puppeteer

- by Aja

This week's theme: The Human Hand

Four fingers and an opposable thumb. A remarkable, capable combination. Our hands allow us to do so very much. They are both utilitarian and expressive. Hands are beautiful, dexterous; they can create and destroy. They are, inextricably, human.

-Melissa Morton

Art: The Puppeteer by Artist Aja
"Puppet Master" Cord to wrist, ankles twist As with cruel jerks he makes me march. Smiling face, out of place As he impels my spine to arch. Pain that sears, invisible tears, Silently I'm begging him, No more, no more, but evermore He drags upon my wretched string. Dance, puppet, dance - this is your chance For all the world to notice you! Hear the command, now sit, now stand; No, puppet dear, we're not yet through. Day after day, cords never fray. I can't breathe unless he tells me to. Eyesight blurred, my law's his word, Cause I'm a puppet - Just like you. ---- Dream Dancer


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