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Art of the Day: Thursday June 25, 2015

Tornado at Sunset

- by Torrie Smiley

This week's theme: Sunset


  1. the time in the evening when the sun disappears or daylight fades.
  2. the colors and light visible in the sky on an occasion of the sun's disappearance in the evening, considered as a view or spectacle.

Art: Tornado at Sunset by Artist Torrie Smiley
Title: Tornado at Sunset

Size: 8" x 10"

Tornado at Sunset was completed in my home studio in Charlotte, North Carolina. c2012.

Media: Tornado at Sunset was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a canvas panel Painting was finished with a light coat of varnish. This painting can be slipped into a frame or placed on a small easel.

Miscellaneous: A Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist will be provided for your records.

United States Shipping: USPS Priority insured mail. 

 This painting has sold. 


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