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Art of the Day: Tuesday November 28, 2017

Snowy Road

- by Aimee L. Dingman

This week's theme: Snow

There are some that love snow. They look forward to the first snowfall. When they glance out the window and see the first flakes of the first, fifth or tenth snowfall, they pause a second or two longer than usual before moving on. The first spring blooms poking through the last snow is ineffably beautiful to them. When they live where there is no snow, they miss it. When they find snow again they rejoice. For all who love snow, this week's Art of the Day is for you.

Art: Snowy Road by Artist Aimee L. Dingman
This was done for the Studio Atelier challenge, from a reference photo provided by Barb Benik. I don't usually paint landscapes, but I enjoyed the cool tones of this piece and wish now that I had more regular access to country snowfall!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Snowy Road


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