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Art of the Day: Monday January 25, 2010

Glass Stones Circle

- by Tony Roberts

This week's theme: Sculpture

Sculpture can be created from many materials. Sculpture can be figurative or abstract, large or small. The common thread that unites them all is that they are all works of art created in three dimensions. This week, Art of the Day features a small sampling of sculpture created by EBSQ artists.

Art: Glass Stones Circle by Artist Tony Roberts
This large work consists of 80 individual fused glass monoliths arranged in a circle, inspired by the prehistoric works - stone circles, menhirs, megaliths and sentinel stones - of the British Isles and France. These ancient monuments embody the many stories of the people who have related to them over the generations, stories built into the many layers within each individual piece of this work.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Glass Stones Circle


Detail Image for art Glass Stones Circle


Detail Image for art Glass Stones Circle

Tony discussing Glass Stones at its first showing at the PAD gallery


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