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Art of the Day: Sunday May 21, 2006

Mona Lisa Smile

- by Cynthia Gaub

This week's theme: Fibre Art

EBSQ has a wide variety of galleries, filled with a diverse assortment of art. Over the upcoming months, Art Of The Day will be featuring explorations of the EBSQ Galleries that will be more in-depth than one short week can provide.

For the next few weeks, Art Of The Day will present art from the Fibre Art gallery.

Fibre Art is the use of textiles to create art or the creation of the textiles themselves.

-Melissa Morton

Art: Mona Lisa Smile by Artist Cynthia  Gaub
Created for the portrait show this is a fabric abstract rendering of Deb Jordan. Multiple layers of rich vintage fabrics were appliqued by machine. Machine quilting was done to back the piece. Finally beads were added to the hair by hand.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Mona Lisa Smile

scanned detail

Detail Image for art Mona Lisa Smile

photo to work from

Detail Image for art Mona Lisa Smile


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