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Art of the Day: Wednesday February 08, 2006

Frida Kahlo Box

- by Brandy M Carmack

This week's theme: Pyrography

Pyrography - the art of using a heated point to burn images on to a surface, most often wood.

This week, in conjunction with EBSQ's February LIVE!, Art Of The Day showcases the work of some of our pyrographic artists.

-Melissa Morton

Art: Frida Kahlo Box by Artist Brandy M Carmack
With combined effort from my husband and I, we created this wonderful Frida Kahlo inspired jewlery box. This solid alder box was built by my husband, and I used pyrography, acrylics and oil pastels to create the art work. This vessel is great for storing trinkets and jewlery, but also contains the spirit of Frida, I hope that by creating art inspired by Frida Kahlo with her portraits I can help keep her spirit alive.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Frida Kahlo Box

Detail Image for art Frida Kahlo Box

Detail Image for art Frida Kahlo Box


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