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Art of the Day: Saturday March 28, 2015

Cherry Blossom

- by Shelly Bedsaul

This week's theme: Pink Is More Than Little Girls and Barbie

We think that we have pink all figured out, but we don't. Pink has a history that spans centuries. It has meant and been used to represent many things. Before the late 30's or early 40's pink wasn't automatically assigned to girls. It's popularity has waxed and waned. Currently - and surprisingly, younger people like pink less that older people. Before the chemical dyes of the 20th century nature had a lock on bright and bold pinks. The iconic "shocking pink" was created in the 1930's by designer Elsa Schiaparelli - who was rather shocking in her own right. The past 100 years has seen an explosion of pink and if you look at it's past and it's present, you will find that pink has a dynamic and interesting history.

Art: Cherry Blossom by Artist Shelly Bedsaul
The inspiration came from vintage advertising and Chinese opera. Drawing is on archival rag board.


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