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Art of the Day: Wednesday January 31, 2018

Vanish Point

- by Diane Funderburg Deam

This week's theme: Perspective

When an artist decides to create, what they make comes from their unique perspective. When we take the time to look at a work of art, we sometimes see something - perhaps an object, a concept or landscape, in a way that we never have before. What we see isn't always what the artist saw when they made the piece. Sometimes we see something, that is in that moment, brand new.

Art: Vanish Point by Artist Diane Funderburg Deam
This is an Abstract Aspen triptych painted on three gallery wrap canvas. Two 10x20 and one 16x20. The paintings are signed front and verso. The painting was inspired by the Arizona High Country just outside Flagstaff and near Snow Bowl and Hart Praie.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Vanish Point

left painting

Detail Image for art Vanish Point


Detail Image for art Vanish Point


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