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Art of the Day: Tuesday September 02, 2008

Maine Coon Magic

- by Carmen Medlin

This week's theme: Past Pet Portrait Swaps

During the month of August, EBSQ holds its annual Pet Portrait Swap. It works just like the EBSQ Portrait Swap except that EBSQ members exchange photographs of their pets. When completed, the artist enters the piece in the Pet Portrait Swap show. As August has come and gone it's now time for you to go to the "Pet Portrait Swap '08" show page and vote for your favorite pet portrait. When you are there, you can even use to contribute to the prize kitty. In the meantime, while you are considering which entry to vote for, Art Of The Day presents work from previous EBSQ Pet Portrait Swaps for you to enjoy.

Art: Maine Coon Magic by Artist Carmen Medlin
MAINE COON MAGIC 8x10 Watercolor & colored pencil on 140lb cold press paper. A large, fluffy Maine Coon fairy cat perches high in the branches of an autumn tree. This is Kosho, the cat of Kiya here on EBSQ and my entry for the annual Pet Portrait Swap! Kosho is a giant 20lb cat in real life, so a fantasy portrait is the only way he’d make it into this tree. ;)

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Maine Coon Magic

Detail Image for art Maine Coon Magic

Detail Image for art Maine Coon Magic


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