This month EBSQ is running the annual show that may be the most enjoyed by EBSQ members. This is the month for the annual EBSQ Ripped Off Show. EBSQ members pair up and "rip off" each other's work. The fruits of this effort are then entered in the show for all to see. This week Art Of The Day looks at work from previous EBSQ Ripped Off Shows.
If you want to see what EBSQ artists are coming up with this year, please check the "8th Annual Ripped Off Show". New work will be added until the end of the month so be sure to check in often.
This is my interpretation of John Borrero's "Redemption". His work is awe inspiring and beautiful in it's unique complexity. Though the work I chose for inspiration is wonderful in it's simplicity. The Redemption girl (I call her Lucy Jane)turned out differently than I had envisioned but then, she already has a life and a form given to her by her original creator. I just fleshed her out a bit and she "lived" for me.
Thank you so much John!
SHE danced, near nude, to tom-tom beat, With swaying arms and flying feet, ’Mid swirling spangles, gauze and lace, Her all was dancing—save her face.
A conscience, dumb to brooding fears, Companioned hearing deaf to cheers; A body, marshalled by the will, Kept dancing while a heart stood still:
And eyes obsessed with vacant stare, Looked over heads to empty air, As though they sought to find therein Redemption for a maiden sin.
’Twas thus, amid force driven grace, We found the lost look on her face; And then, to us, did it occur That, though we saw—we saw not her
By: James Weldon Johnson
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