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Art of the Day: Thursday June 18, 2009

Orange Tree

- by Tiffany Matthews

This week's theme: Orange

Somewhere between red and yellow is orange. It's a colour that can sizzle and excite. It is associated with the heat of summer and the cool of fall. It can be a difficult colour to wear and live with but sometimes, nothing else will do. While it is an excellent colour for drawing the eye - Safety Orange is used the world over, it also has a softer side as peach ice cream and orange sherbet so deliciously illustrate. Bright or subtle, deeply hued or light and soft, no other colour is quite like orange.

Art: Orange Tree by Artist Tiffany Matthews
This little painting is just delicious. The sky is a soft, light blue which makes the lovely orange tree stand out even more.


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Side View

Detail Image for art Orange Tree

Detail Image for art Orange Tree


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