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Art of the Day: Monday September 21, 2009

Lakeside Early Fall

- by Muriel Areno

This week's theme: On the House

noun /howss/ 1. a building for human habitation.

- Oxford English Dictionary

Art: Lakeside Early Fall by Artist Muriel Areno

This is the first in a series of recent works that deal with the Western landscape and its wonderful light.

This painting was composed and started during an Art in the Park plein-air event, and finished in the studio. It portrays the park's owners' weekend villa and a portion of the artificial lake, as well as the variety of trees that grow in the area.

With this landscape, I tried to convey the calm and serenity of a beautiful October day. I enjoyed the challenge of working in an outdoor setting in the company of other artists.

Available for sale in my Etsy shop.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lakeside Early Fall

Detail Image for art Lakeside Early Fall

Detail Image for art Lakeside Early Fall


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