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Art of the Day: Monday January 07, 2008

Classy Flamin' Spanish Fly

- by Caron Wiedrick

This week's theme: Odd and Ends

When searching for pieces for Art Of The Day, it is not uncommon to come across art that catches my eye but does not fit the current theme. I will often tuck these pieces aside with a thought to using them one day. Even though many have been used, you can imagine that four years of Art Of The Day means that there are more than a few still stashed on the hard drive. This week I decided to pull a few out. None of these are mixed media or 3-D. That is for another week.

Art: Classy Flamin' Spanish Fly by Artist Caron Wiedrick
This was venturing out of my norm. I liked the central focus of the glass and the way the flame played with the reflections


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