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Art of the Day: Friday September 21, 2007

Soda Cola Pop Can Flower Pendant Upcycle ReCycle Trashion FUNky Necklace

- by Amethyst Lobster

This week's theme: Made of Metal

Molten, cast, recycled, welded or shaped. Metal can be used in a variety of ways to create a variety of things.

Art: Soda Cola Pop Can Flower Pendant Upcycle ReCycle Trashion FUNky Necklace by Artist Amethyst Lobster
Are you thirsty for funky fashion? This pendant is casual enough for jeans and artsy enough for the black dress. I've sold hundreds locally, but this is my first time offering this style online. These are made from genuine recycled aluminum cans. There are no sharp edges, the outer edge is formed onto a soft foam backing. Comes with a soft adjustable length suede cord. Other flavors and shapes are available, as well as earrings. Pendant is 1.5 inches diameter.


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