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Art of the Day: Tuesday September 25, 2007

Kimono - Mother to Daughter

- by Stacy Alexander

This week's theme: Kimonos

ki·mo·no (kə-mō'nō)
n. pl. ki·mo·nos
- A long, wide-sleeved Japanese robe worn with an obi and often elaborately decorated.
- A loose, light robe worn chiefly by women.
- 1637, from Japanese kimono, lit. "a thing put on," from ki "wear" + mono "thing."

American Heritage Dictionary, Online Etymology Dictionary

Art: Kimono - Mother to Daughter by Artist Stacy Alexander
This is a piece in my series about women's fashion as social statement. Traditionally, the art of putting on a kimono was passed from mother to daughter but these days special schools can do brisk business imparting the necessary techniques as women are absorbed into Western culture. The richly textured collage is made from imported, hand-made papers, acrylic paint, fibers, sticks, fabric, a photo-transfer and other ephemera. The muted gold tones shimmer in the light.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Kimono - Mother to Daughter


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