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Art of the Day: Wednesday December 16, 2009


- by Laura Michelle Muraco

This week's theme: Introductions

This week Art of the Day introduces you to seven of the artists that became EBSQ members in 2009. This is going to be reoccurring feature for EBSQ's Art of the Day and we look forward to bringing you more new EBSQ artists in the months to come.

Art: Potentialnetcopy.jpg by Artist Laura Michelle Muraco
Thank You EBSQ for Selecting this piece for Art of the day! I am so Excited! This piece is very dear to me as it is a self-portrait I did in a very transitional time in my life. There is a lot of symbolism in this painting that can be interpreted in innumerable ways depending on which cultures lens you are looking through. When I painted this piece the snake represented worldly attachments, but later it has also appeared to mean emerging power of the third chakra. The third Chakra is the golden yellow center of fire and power and is located at the base of the sternum. The egg adorning her hair is a dove’s egg and it represents the egg or the seed of her highest self. The play between the vulnerable egg and the hungry snake is very interesting to me because it is unclear if the egg is even threatened at all.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Potentialnetcopy.jpg

Detail Image for art Potentialnetcopy.jpg

Eye Detail

Detail Image for art Potentialnetcopy.jpg

Eye Detail


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